
Proof The Age Is Just A Number

Recently I read where Meadowlark Lemon, the “Crown Prince of Basketball” and great Harlem Globetrotter of years ago, passed away at the age of 83. I remember the day my dad came home from work and told me he bought tickets for us to attend a Harlem Globetrotters game. I had seen the Harlem Globetrotters on ABC’s Wide World of Sports.

By that time I could whistle that famous tune, Sweet Georgia Brown. Seeing Mr. Lemon in person on the basketball court was a dream come true for any child living in a small town. Meadowlark was the captivating figure on the team and never disappointed his fans. He remarked as he was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2003, “My destiny was to make people happy.”

Slow Down That Clock

While visiting family for Christmas, we were talking about the years that have gone by.  I remarked that I don’t feel that much older than I did some 28 years ago; but the years can have a way of catching up with you if you let them.

I came across an article recently with the title, “10 things that make you feel old – and what to do about them.” The article was based on a book by Larry Matson, E.D., co-author of the book, “Live Young, Think Young, Be Young…at Any Age”. The truth is that age is just a number and there are steps one can take to curb the aging process; but too few take the time or the energy necessary to slow down aging.

How To Slow Down Aging

Whether you live in assisted living, live in a retirement community, or still choose to live at home as a senior, here are some great tips to do just that:

  • Add more physical activity to your day. You don’t have to be a gym rat to get some exercise. Take the stairs, walk more briskly, buy fitness bands that you can use at home to strengthen your muscles. You need to challenge your heart, lungs and muscles at least every other day for 30 minutes or more. And be sure to rehydrate yourself throughout the day. Water is better than soda or tea.
  • Turn off the TV and turn onto a book, puzzle or game that will stimulate your brain. If you don’t use it you will lose it. Enough said!
  • Eat slower and include more foods that are in their whole, natural state. Eating a tomato is much better for you than eating tomato soup. Get the picture?

The following five are no-brainers.

  • Drink alcohol in moderation, if you drink at all.
  • Don’t smoke and avoid second-hand smoke.
  • Use caution and care around cleaning products.
  • Stop popping so many pills for all your ailments (my guess is you will have less ailments if you try the above recommendations).
  • Get the right amount of sleep each night. If you are adding exercise to your daily regimen, you will sleep better for sure.

The Most Important Factor

  • Stress – we all have it. The key is to manage it in healthy ways. The world is a non-stop, loud place nowadays. Plan some quiet time for yourself each day; even if it is only 15 minutes. You will be amazed what this time can do for your overall health.Think POSITIVE! Change your world by changing your words. Use the gift of speech that God gave you to bless people, not blast them.The remaining five are no-brainers. Drink alcohol in moderation, if you drink at all. Don’t smoke and avoid second-hand smoke. Use caution and care around cleaning products. Stop popping so many pills for all your ailments (my guess is you will have less ailments if you try the above recommendations). And last but not least, get the right amount of sleep each night. If you are adding exercise to your daily regimen, you will sleep better for sure.


Hopefully this information gives you the encouragement you need to know that you can still hold some of the reins of time. Stay encouraged my friends!